Brassed Off (1996)
I knew you lot would get it all wrong.
14 September 2013
I have been watching Waking the Dead, and thought I would explore other works done by it's stars. I'm starting with Eve (Tara Fitzgerald).

The star of this film is not Fitzgerald, but Pete Postlethwaite, who was nominated for an Oscar for In the Name of the Father, and also starred in Inception and The Lost World: Jurassic Park, among others.

Postlethwaite is trying to keep a brass band together in the face of coal mines being shut down, which will result in the eventual demise of his town. It is a lighthearted, sometimes depressing film which features a love story between young people (Fitzgerald and Ewan McGregor), a crisis involving a married couple (Stephen Tompkinson and Melanie Hill), and a health crisis involving Danny (Postlethwaite). Of course, there is also a national band contest at the Royal Albert Hall.

There is also a bit of politics in the film with a couple of rants against Maggie Thatcher. They even managed to work Danny Boy in the film. Great!

I am glad that Fitzgerald brought me here, as it was an enjoyable experience.
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