Moving Film About Wandering Souls.
21 August 2013
Christian Bale stars as Bobby Platt, an innocent young man that doesn't fit in so well with society(I sympathize greatly!) who is forced to take to the highways and roads of Cornwall, England after his mother dies, and his evil sociopath of a stepfather decides to put him away to gain full control of the family business.

Bobby is viewed as mentally challenged, but really that is a misunderstanding of this poor innocent person(quite possibly undiagnosed on the Autistic Spectrum), who loves nature, and after befriending fellow wanderer Mister Summers(played with quiet dignity by John Hurt) decides to help him bury dead animals killed by cars along the road. Mr. Summers has a secret past that keeps him a recluse, but they form a close friendship that becomes threatened by the return of the stepfather...

Christian Bale is entirely believable, and his journey of self-discovery and inner growth is remarkable. Story does have a jarring change of tone in the climax, but this is not enough to mar this otherwise memorable film that like-minded viewers will appreciate, with a quietly moving and fitting end.
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