Review of R.I.P.D.

R.I.P.D. (2013)
Not funny and not exciting - no wonder it flopped
14 August 2013
If James Hong's scenes are the funniest part of this movie you know this movie is in trouble.

Its badly written - not funny with banal banter between the lead actors and characters that aren't endearing. Jeff Bridges and Ryan Reynolds are dead cops who come back to earth as Marissa Miller (S.I. model) and James Hong (old Chinese man). The latter pair don't have enough screen time, and it's a shame since their scenes are the only funny part of this. Jeff spends too much time mumbling and swallows most of his jokes. Ryan looks too serious most of the time and doesn't have good lines.

Men in Black was already wearing thin so the monster like villains in RIPD aren't watchable here. The battles on the unattractive streets of Boston are dizzying with repetitive flinging around. Mary Louise Parker isn't endearing as some Proctor in cop heaven. Kevin Bacon is Ryan's cop partner.

Don't waste your time.
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