Highlander (1992–1998)
There's just too much going on for any of it to matter
5 August 2013
Richie Ryan was and integral part to the show. After his death, it seemed repetitive and dull. I would rather it ended with the demon pazuzu defeating Duncan's spirit. At least it had more closure and we could imagine the rest. The acting was great, i think there must be a curse as none of the start made it as big as they should have, but guest such as barry pepper, ron pearlman and others are pretty huge. This show is about morality and forgiveness in a world gone mad. It was unsurpassed in geographic locations, cinematography and lighting on TV. Season 1 was rough and a bit hard to get into. The background music was always great and original, but starting season 5 sound started getting too goofy taking away from the mystique. Now we get into unnecessary story arcs. Often there were branchings off from the Macleod cannon that were throw-away episodes altogether. The better ones were not resolved in a single hour, but involved multi-episodic recurring villains. The historical flashbacks and effects were well done and stylistically advanced. Overall there had not been a more thrilling program on television. The series is simply a case of having too much; which devalues the better, linear portion. The Cacophony drowns out a masterpiece. In my opinion it is still better that any of its film derivatives.

Suggestions: start at season 2, end at 5 finale, don't watch raven, get rid of tessa, get rid of dr. lindsey, more methos, and for an antiquities dealer i expected more artifacts. You can never have enough dank abandoned factories. I've said my peace.
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