Hatchet III (2013)
Hatchet 3 Is Great!
13 June 2013
http://www.plentyofhorror.com/ The Hatchet Franchise has been one of the best modern day Horror Franchise's in my personal opinion, since the day's when Freddy,Michael, and Jason were wreaking all havoc on your screens and haunting your nightmares!

Hatchet 1 & 2 was directed by the creator Adam Green while for the 3rd instalment he handed the director duties to his loyal camera operator and new comer to the big chair behind the camera BJ McDonnell, But even with McDonnell directing Adam Green still wrote the screenplay, so basically limiting the direction a new director could take the franchise, but BJ McDonnell still did a pretty damn good job with his limitations!

The movie starts off immediately where the second one finished off with a great horrific gory violent scene between Marybeth and Victor Crowley which ends pretty sweet! don't wanna ruin it for you like other sites may be doing with there review so i'll stop there.

The Movies about a search and recovery team heads into the haunted swamp to pick up the pieces and Marybeth learns the secret to ending the voodoo curse that has left Victor Crowley haunting and terrorizing Honey Island Swamp for decades. (taken from IMDb)

This movie has it all... almost, it has The Gore! The Violence! The Over The Top Kills! A Couple Laughs if your twisted in the head like I may be, but one thing this movie was missing that every slasher film should have is The Titties! <----Highlight there to see what i'm talking about it's not a major spoiler but it may disappoint a few haha.

But overall I loved the movie, and the Cameo cameo from Sid Haig (Captain Spaulding from The Devil's Rejects) was hilarious! and i highly recommend this movie to all fans of Hatchet 1 & 2 and if you ain't seen the first 2 yet i suggest you run out and grab yourself a copy of both! even though its not 100% necessary to see the first 2 to enjoy the third i recommend it so you'll know the full story of Victor Crowley! and I guarantee you will love them, if your a true fan of the Slasher Genre! or send me your DVD's you buy and i will give you 5$ for them haha
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