Freaky Friday (1995 TV Movie)
A mix bag
26 May 2013
Well before (2003 remake) there was another TV remake movie, that i don't think many people know about it as much as lattes remake.

This movie i felt it a little more serious and I didn't think this was that funny and girl when this movie 15 years old and really that her mum not paying that much attention to her.

While the mum got huge meeting to a work, we cost them their job and as to fire someone at work place and look after her family.

When this movie their dad brought over some kind neck less but mum and daughter and they holding the neck less and they both wished to swap places,

I liked how they change in second and they were next each other in the car, I found that very decent and I thought that maybe the best switch of the 3 movies.

I felt the movie tried way to hard to really funny but failed and as comedy felt really forced at times, I liked they were other people who also knew in this movie, (Which kind of makes this remake on his own)

I wish was more clearer when switch back but I could not really tell in this movie but there not last joke scenes in this movie, which I thought would be, I was little disappointing by that

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