Bad, just... bad
16 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like this movie. I really did. Even though I know most of the stories Clive Barker writes that become movies are usually crap, I hoped this one would be different. It wasn't. It was crap.

The thing that really ruined it for me was the AWFUL CGI. There is a scene where an eyeball flies through the air- it looks like something from an old Sega CD game. So obviously CGI. Did that flying eyeball absolutely need to be in the movie? No. It did nothing to the scene other than ruin it.

What was with the boils that Vinnie Jones was cutting off and putting in jars????? Did I miss the explanation for that??

Also, you can only suspend your disbelief so much. In this movie, you are supposed to believe that hundreds of people (if not thousands) have been going missing over the years, all of them being seen last in the subway, and only 1 cop is assigned to the case? And that cop is able to keep ALL the other cops in the city from investigating any of the disappearances? Come on! That is just ridiculous.

Why did Vinnie Jones have to work in the abattoir? Was he short of cash? Did the "monsters" think he needed a taste of working class America?

Why did he dress in a suit to go to work in the abattoir? Was he just trying to look cool?

The cameraman, who takes crappy instagram-worthy garbage, is pretentious and annoying. As is the stupid gallery owner woman, and the cameraman's dumb friend "Jurgis".

What kind of name is that anyway? Call him Bob or something. Any character who has a name like that, you just want them dead as soon as possible because their name makes you hate them instantly.

This movie is awful.

One of the worst movies I've seen in a long time.
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