For low budget horror fans only
4 May 2013
This is another of those super low budget horrors churned out ten to the dozen. The start is a little unsettling but unfortunately that's as good as it really gets. As per most low budget horrors the acting leaves a bit to be desired and you don't really get the chance to empathise with any of the intended victims.

The film doesn't offer anything new, young adults are terrorised on a camping trip. You pretty much know what to expect and it's an all round unpleasant viewing experience certainly not one you'd want to watch again.

The film is quite disturbing in places but I didn't really see much point in it, it almost seemed violence for violence's sake, unless the message is there are a lot of sick people out there. Yes I think we all know that. You don't get to know anything about the perpetrators which pretty much leaves you in the dark.

This isn't the worst film I've seen as it is quite unsettling and does at least hold your interest however it really is just film to be watched by fans of low budget horror. For anyone else this is just a waste of their time.
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