Just TERRIBLE. Unnecessary sequel, pitiful writing and poor execution.
1 March 2013
The Last Exorcism Part II is simply put a terrible movie. I absolutely loved the first film but Part II is like the Blair Witch Project 2 of the original Blair Witch Project. Its unnecessary, it doesn't accomplish anything and it doesn't push the story forward. All this film was made for was to show you how Nell tries to recover after the events of the first film. THATS IT! The scares are few and far between the story is just downright dumb from the beginning and you never really feel for any of the characters from the get go. I wouldn't recommend seeing this film even for the fans of the first one. Besides a daring opening sequence, a few moments of suspense and interesting character moments this movie is a complete fluke. The Last Exorcism accomplished a sense of true horror and dread. You actually felt for the characters. Part II I see more of as a Dark Comedy. You can't even take this movie seriously at times. It seems the only reason this sequel was made was because the first film made 100 million at the box office. Thats it!

3 out of 10 stars. This movie was just bad. Simple as that!
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