Is this really the way it is being someone for someone else
5 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
My 1st time watching I gained some insight what the purpose of the film,however I prefer watching a film 2 or 3 times before I get real comfortable with what I know about its realness.As the film progressed it reminded me of my days working in mental health and as a Pastor-Chaplain. People and relationships are unique and sometimes strange. This film challenges how, why we do what we do within relationships. How some can be toxic and explosive yet to the person in the relationship all is OK. The film brought this reality forefront in the couples relationships and expanded relationships. Challenged too are how to deal with intimate feelings for someone within a established relationship that has longevity yet the relationship has expanded evolved into a more intimate awaking beyond the original individuals. What would you do if buried hidden feelings exploded but that person was 'off limits'? Be prepared to be shaken in you belief system. As you watch pick a character you feel you relate to Evelyn a manipulator,Adam so needy he loses self to have what he thinks is real, or Jenny and Philip. As you watch you may want to change the character that you have chosen,if so ask why. Also ask would you act the way? That is why this film is perhaps is a reality show more than fiction drama. Perhaps this is what the writer was trying to do, expose the crazy we sometimes get into in relationships.

Remember change for you not someone else it will last longer! Chaplain Bubba
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