Entertaining but very flawed.
24 November 2012
I put off watching this movie for one reason and that is the god awful title. But after reading many positive reviews on here I decided to give it a watch. First thing I will say is this movie was entertaining and if thats all I judged movies on I would have given this a much higher rating. Due to the fact I judge movies on a whole I give this pretty low and heres why.

The acting is pretty atrocious. Some people will argue and say its good but it really isn't. The second thing is the constant inaccuracies such as making silver ball bearing for repeater rifles? which of course wouldn't work. Or ball bearings for revolvers....yes revolvers....Or the fact you see the vamps with a huge mouth of teeth but when they bite they only use the typical two sharp ones. Really makes no sense.

This movie is about Abraham Lincoln as he is growing up and discovers there is vampires everywhere. He teams up with one to destroy the vampires and save America.

This movie was OK but I wont give it another watch. The acting, the inaccuracies and the ridiculous action sequences make this movie pretty terrible. Everyone who liked this will have to explain to me why.
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