Revolution (2012– )
Seriously.. is it that BAD? No!
9 October 2012
I read the reviews and expected the worst turkey mankind could find and watched 4 episodes of this show (only 4 episodes are out as of date) and now i cant wait for the 5th.

Everyone is a critic these days it seems. Even i but seriously i have to defend this show :D - Well.. the acting, nothing wrong with it. The story is interesting and there can be so many twists and turns to this its just unfair to call doom on a show after 2 or 4 episodes! The setting is perfect for a post apocalyptic scenario.. we get look-backs and memories of the chaos that took place right after society fell and the kind of anarchy that would take place. Murder and violence for survival etc and then there's a now, 15 years later.. its a nice contrast.

Someone mentioned in their review:

"What is bad? All that follows make no sense. We are given a 10-years after world, with decrepit ruins of the civilization.

Wait ... what, ruins? In my country we have blocks of flats that are over 50 years old and still stand strong without any maintenance whatsoever (sure, they look like crap, but they stand and are inhabited)"

Is that the kind of reviews this show's gonna get?

I have to say that you shouldn't discuss things you know jack about. I live in a place where a mine have swallowed half the town and made it unsafe so large parts of the city have been sealed off for a long time.. and you have NO idea what nature will do in a few years to structures if left untended.. It's like stepping into the wastelands of Mad Max being there! The buildings in the risk zone looks WORSE than everything shown in this movie after 10 to 15 years. Roads crack, buildings fall apart because vegetation blow it apart.. Seriously.. comparing 50 year old buildings in your BLOCK in functioning city to what it would look like in a civilization that collapsed is... well thats just stupid.

Have a nice day, enjoy the show!
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