Revolution (2012–2014)
I'll Keep This Simple!
30 September 2012
Okay, I wasted 2 hours of my life watching the first 2 episodes. Unfortunately on IMDb, you are required to leave 10 lines of review to get it to post. I could have reviewed this show with 2 words.... IT STINKS! But I can't get it to post with so little about the show. Okay, let me try harder. Oh, the show has terrible acting, and I was hoping the main character (Charlie) would fall on her own arrow. Annoying character that you cannot feel anything for and actually root against. I was hoping one of those Hunger Games kids would suddenly show up and take her out. Also, the story, it seems written by high schoolers! Do the writers think their audience is ignorant. Just because 60% of Americans can't find their own country on a map doesn't mean..... Okay, maybe they are. Let's move on.... Oh I think I've typed enough now to get this posted, so where was I? Oh, Revolutions.... It STINKS!
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