Revolution (2012–2014)
A waste of electricity watching it
27 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The show is, to elegantly sum it up, quite horrible. As so many have noted, the science (planes fall straight down out of the sky, muskets, no steam power etc.) is bad enough, but could be ignored with suspended disbelief, if the remaining criteria for a well done show didn't also fall flat.

When one has to point to the CGI as being the only saving grace, there is a problem. The actors are bland at best and annoying at worst. They neither look nor behave as though they come from a dangerous post apocalyptic civilization. The action is terribly repetitive and formulaic. The dialog is boring and only serves as a filler between overly long fight scenes, which themselves do not serve the plot.

In the end what we get is a lot of nothing with a smidgen of plot that is revealed in dribbles and we are supposed to be tantalized enough to keep coming back for more. I might dvr it and watch the last five minutes of each show.

The idea of a post apocalyptic world without electricity excited me, but this show is a real loser. It is more the pity as there are some fine actors involved.

I do not understand this trend of formulaic sci fi with expensive budgets and excellent producers etc. turning out high tech versions of Space Family Robinson. I believe it is insulting to audiences.

To make myself hated even more, I also think that Walking Dead after the first great season is terrible. Endless dialogs revealing lives that I could care less about interrupted by zombie attacks.
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