Review of Revolution

Revolution (2012– )
This Storyline Will Take Time to Develop...
27 September 2012
I watched the pilot episode because I'm an Eric Kripke fan (and a long-term "Supernatural" fan boy, admittedly). With this in mind, I was expecting a storyline which blends an unbelievable plot with well-rounded characters, a slow-building plot, and a cliffhanger ending which leaves us worrying for the characters mental and physical well-being. Where this pilot does wrong, in my opinion, is fall victim to "George Lucas Disease." GLD is when we're given a very loose storyline with almost no character build or occurrences which make us give a rat's ass ('Star Wars: Episode 1,' take a bow, please.) After a very strong opening to this pilot, we're thrust several years into the future and simply told in a straightforward fashion who the good guys are, who the bad guys are, and how terrible the world has become without electronics. This would be forgivable if the characters had layers to their personalities rather than subscribing to purely-Jedi-or-purely-Sith dialogue. The action scenes are simply eye candy with very little motivation behind them (again, I'm reminded of the lightsaber fights in the 'Star Wars' prequels). That's not to say they're not entertaining to watch, but only that they're frustrating to the point where you're left wondering "why did that fight happen RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT and why did it even matter?" I really hope these highly-choreographed fights were only written into the show to catch the attention of channel surfers, because they served no greater function (in MOST cases) in terms of character development or plot movement. I give this show a 6 out of 10 because although it was lacking in everything I looked forward to seeing, it has such a bold premise that I can't reasonably expect to be blown away by the pilot alone. This show will take a lot of time to grow, since the pilot's convoluted with characters we don't know much about or care much about. But hey, it took at least two episodes for me to start loving 'Game of Thrones,' and even 'Supernatural' has its early hiccups. My final opinion is, future episodes would do well to cut back on the action and focus more on what specifically drives the characters, why they care about each other (I mean,seriously, the lead characters falls for a dude just because he looks attractive?), and how the actions surrounding them are effecting their inner psyche ('Supernatural' was a heavy-hitter on the latter, which is why the show has such an unbelievable fan base).
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