Premium Rush (2012)
Premium Rush...2 out of 4 Skittles
6 September 2012
Despite that Premium Rush is tagged with possibly the cheesiest movie title in the history of cinema (very close race with the meathead crap fest The Fast and The Furious), there was still hope that a film with a leading cast including new Hollywood titans Joseph Gordon Levitt (Inception, (500) Days of Summer, The Dark Knight Rises, 50/50) and Michael Shannon (Take Shelter, Boardwalk Empire) might overcome its generic first appearance and prove to be something more. Sadly…that isn't the case. Premium Rush is filled with clichés and plays about as deep as poetry written by the cast of The Jersey Shore.

The flick has some descent action scenes, but for the most part it's all flash…no substance. The characters and story are developed to the bare minimum. Writer/Director David Koepp (Ghost Town, Secret Window) attempts to bring a highly stylized approach to the film with a handful of jump cuts going back and forth through time, but it ends up feeling completely unnecessary and actually slows down what little of a plot there is. If the goal was to make the bike messenger industry come off like a bunch of pretentious & pompous dillholes, then Premium Rush achieved its goal.

If you would like to mindlessly watch people on bikes spouting out cheesy lines as they weave through NYC traffic while being chased by other people on bikes and cars for 90 minutes… then you might enjoy Premium Rush. If this doesn't sound like a good time, then I highly recommend steering clear of this road rash of a film.

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