Eskalofrío (2008)
Average at best
27 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Seeing as this movie seems to get mostly positive reviews (at least here on IMDb), I thought I'd add my two cents to even it out a little bit because Eskalofrío didn't work quite as well with me...

On a purely technical level, the movie is done well, the actors were good, much more believable than in your-average-horror-flick, the music too was good enough for me to notice it and above all you get great shots of Spanish mountains and forests that contribute greatly to the atmosphere, both thanks to being beautiful and also a bit disturbing at times.

That being said, my main complaint is about the story and the script. This is what it boils down to, I figure - how far you are willing to stretch suspension of disbelief. I consider myself quite tolerant in this regard but this movie was really pushing it too far.

Most of it are just details but at the same time, most of it are the worst of horror-movie cliché stupidities of the type: - the young group in the forest splits up - even they themselves said they shouldn't split up! - the protagonist's "vampyrism" (photophobia) that in the end adds nothing to the story whatsoever - the protagonist suddenly becomes the main suspect based only and only on some "strange circumstances" - the same protagonists so completely mistrusts all the adults that he prefers to take on "the monster" alone with a couple of friends. At night. In a forest. That is filled with traps. Yippee for common sense. - said "monster" is a little girl, no older than 13. Okay, this may have taken the movie in interesting directions but it didn't. I understand she was feral and living in the wild, her strength and agility developed considerably but come on... no human, no animal, can adapt to new life conditions so quickly, I mean, that's why evolution takes so many generations and so many millions of years, it's not like she's some kind of human-wolf mutant predator... - by the way, said "monster"/little girl apparently didn't age at all

et blah di blah de blah, I could go on... A shame. I wanted to like it and it had quite a lot going for it but there's only so much stupidity I can let go unnoticed...
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