Time and Space
14 August 2012
The indie comedy is an interesting subgenre. Sometimes they can be entertaining, deep, and funny pieces of cinema, such as Little Miss Sunshine or Jeff Who Lives at Home. Other times they can be depressing, wandery garbage with a few laughs if you're lucky, like all the Sunshine knock offs that have come out in the past few years. Safety Not Guaranteed is, thankfully, much more comedy than it is indie. Cleverly written, and entertainingly executed, this movie is a fun and sweet romance about a man who wants to travel back in time.

The story is of a lonely girl named Darius, who works as an intern at a vain magazine. Her mom died when she was little, and she has been anti- social as long as she can remember. One day, her boss decides to take her and another intern on a trip to write a story about a man who placed an add in the paper: Wanted: Somebody to go back in time with me. This is not a joke. You'll get paid after we get back. Must bring your own weapons. I have only done this once before. Safety not guaranteed. So Jeff, the shallow, self absorbed writer, takes Darius and the other intern to the small seaside town to find out about this guy. The man's name is Kenneth, and when Darius talks to him, she finds herself falling for him, and even believes he may be able to go back in time.

Aubrey Plaza, of Parks and Recreation fame, plays Darius, which is essentially a more dramatic version of her TV show character. She is dark, brooding, and also very funny. Mark Duplass, who directed Jeff, Who Lives at Home earlier this year, plays the role of Kenneth. He is a strange character, that seems to really believe he can travel through time. After all, the add did say he's done it once before. Jake Johnson gives the role of Jeff, the sleazy boss, a funny and enjoyable quality, and he brings the unmiraculous subplot involving him and an old love to a higher level.

The script by Derek Connolly is pretty good. The main plot is always funny, deep, and wildly entertaining. The subplot with Jeff and his old flame is really quite predictable and a bit silly, although it is fun to watch with Johnson's character really shining through. The relationship that develops between Kenneth and Darius is sweet and very funny to watch.

Colin Trevorrow directs the film to give it a grainy, 1970s look. This really works for the movie, especially in the moments when it is clearly inspired by those independent films from that era. Trevorrow convincingly creates well rounded characters that we really grow to like and root for.

Safety Not Guaranteed is a funny, meaningful, and fun movie. The humor is abundant, and even the boring subplot is funny. This film is one of the funniest movies of the year, and there have been a lot of them in 2012.
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