Awesome follow up
7 June 2012
I remember when I saw the first Final Destination movie at the cinema, and I really enjoyed it, it was something fresh new original and exciting, and when I heard that they were making a 2nd one, well at first I was a bit sceptical, but when I saw the trailers, I was excited.

Well the plot to this one, not all that different from the previous movie, only instead of an aeroplane, this time we get a traffic accident and the central character Kimberley (AJ Cook) has a vision much like Devon Sawa did in the first one. Only with a slight difference, this time the deaths work backwards.

Sequels are often associated with disappointment, as many often only manage to be pale imitations of their predecessors. The second Final Destination is anything but, as it's bigger, slicker, and altogether more fun than the original. Overall this one has a different tone to the first one, this one's more blood and a lot more gore, which is always a bonus in my eyes, another aspect is that the deaths are way over the top, which is awesome and something that was missing from the first movie.

The performances again doesn't fail to deliver, with yet again another group of interesting characters, AJ Cook is this time the main character and she hits all the right notes, she's resourceful and likable. Michael Landes plays it cool and low key but also comes across as likable and has great chemistry with AJ Cook. Ali Larter I enjoyed her in the first movie and I was glad they brought her back she gave a very credible performance and Jonathan Cherry plays the comic relief drug addict really well and came off as very natural.

All in all a brilliant follow up and companion to the first movie and them both even each other out really well.
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