NYC 22 (2012)
It's getting worse ...
25 May 2012
Though i liked the pilot, the last three episodes have been on a descending slope; oh, hasn't The Killing thought me anything? Well apparently not because i just dedicated a whole day catching up with NYC 22's last outings and i'm noticing more and more of the same: this is purely a "fantasy" police drama.

Now experience tells me that Fantasy and Drama don't normally go well together and there you have it, my review of NYC 22. too many weird, unrealistic things happening which completely befuddle you into thinking, "is this a serious show, i am watching, or complete rubbish?"

Rookie cops defusing bombs, radios that malfunction, specialist jobs being assigned randomly, such as investigations or detainee transport .. these are not beat-cop jobs, and have the writers really run out of ideas after four episodes? If you are going to center your show on rookies then you have to come up with rookies-related stories... other stuff won't do.

So, it's not really horrible, but we've already got CSI for those times when we want a completely unrealistic show and no thanks, we don't need one more, especially when it's this slow.

My vote, a forgettable 5/10
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