Useless sequel
9 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A sequel to the creepy Village of the Damned (1960), Children of the Damned fumbles some key points and what works is just rehashed from the original. Of course, George Sanders is not back. The eerie children are back, this time from several different countries, but they're missing the trademark light hair. The sequel tries to provide more of an explanation of what the children are- not alien hybrids, it turns out, but humans from a million years in the future. That was something I didn't really want to hear- it contradicts the original, which kept the children's origins unknown but with strong hints of extraterrestrial influence.

Minus the more conclusive explanation of the children, this movie is not all that different from the original. Once again, we have the children killing would-be attackers with their mind powers; once again, we have the humans debating whether the children should be killed, with one suggesting they can be of use to the human race and should be spared. In the end, troops seem to explode the church the children are staying at- but the original had established troops are no threat to these children. The children in this movie seem to want to be destroyed, but why? Because the makers of the film couldn't think of another way to end it? In the end, this movie is unsatisfying and pointless.
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