Review of NYC 22

NYC 22 (2012)
Give It A Bullet
29 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Puerile nicknames, soapy plots, jargony dialogue, unrealistic situations...I tried to give this one a shot, because I like shows with genuine NYC backgrounds and this one delivers on that score.

But not on any other. Too many people doing incomprehensible, unrealistic things. Background music is awful, as others have noted. And, well, Adam Goldberg's chipmunk cheeks distract me. So now his character, besides being a failed journalist, is a closet drunk, apparently? Lord, Lord, are we to be spared no cliché of the cop genre? We've had the overbearing dad pushing his kid into the force, the spunky women with chips on their shoulders trying to prove themselves, the ethnic girlfriend with something shady going on, and many more I can't even recall because my eyes are burning with the awfulness of it all. Plus between this and "Blue Bloods", I'm just sick of copycat cops. Won't be watching any further eps. Though it is nice to see Leelee Sobieski.
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