Killing Bono (2011)
The story of the Irish Winklevii ...
20 January 2012
It wanted to be funny but it wasn't -- just as its subjects wanted to be good at music and weren't.

Killing Bono is the true-ish story of two Irish brothers who knew U2 front-man, Bono, in school and wanted to rival him in musical skill and talent. That they weren't really any good doesn't register with them as they believe Bono is simply stealing all of their hype and thunder ... so not only do the brother-duo fail on the musical front they fail on the cinematic one as well as they are annoying characters who just don't know when to shut-up or stop.

Rivalries always have some potential for some decent stories; but luck just isn't on these Irish brothers' side(s) as they don't ever come across as ones we'd root or feel for. Bono IS better ... deal with it and find something else to do. They are the 80's Irish Winklevii (they were okay but others were much better ... and that's that!).

I do think Pete Postlethwaite (In the Name of the Father, The Town, Inception) deserves a shout-out here! He is better than this movie and he is a TALENT that will be missed.
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