Not as good as the Swedish movie
6 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I really was hyped too see this as David Fincher is one of my favorite directors, but this movie seemed pretty unnecessary to me.

The movie is pretty much a re-thread of the Swedish movie same plot, except that the ending dragged on more than the Swedish movie.

Rooney Mara is good as Lisbeth and so is Craig as Blomkvist but they don't have the chemistry that the actors in the Swedish movie have.

The dialog seems pretty forced at times and I think this movie might have been better if it have been set in the UK or in the US, instead of having mostly British/American actors speak with awful accents.

My biggest question is why does this movie even exist it is completely unnecessary.

This movie falls in the same trap as many Hollywood adapted movies, it builds up a more hype and falls flat.

My verdict if you have not seen it go see the Swedish version, it's way more stronger as a whole.
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