The Switch (I) (2010)
The Switch (2010)
13 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A truly cold and horrible film. This is billed as a romantic comedy, and certainly plays up to the cutesy charm. Then why is it that this film has so many sinister things going on? I would have loved for this to have been a serious drama. Bateman plays the best friend that is clearly in love with Aniston. Not THAT clearly, but we assume (correctly) so because this film isn't going to surprise us. She decides to have a baby with sperm donor Patrick Wilson (once again wasted). Bateman, drunkenly, spills the sperm and replaces it with his own. This isn't really the kind of plot I look for in my comedies, unless they are gross out or dark. This film revolves around this being some kind of charming act. 7 years later he realizes what he has done, but just telling Aniston would be too clever for this film. Instead he bottles it up and lets it all out at the most inappropriate time. There is nothing to like about this character. He sneakily sends guys away from Aniston, gets drunk to suppress his feelings, unknowingly fathers her child, lies, and ruins lives. He is a foul waste of space, but this film shows him to be the charming hero. Wilson, meanwhile, is recovering from a divorce and is looking forward to getting involved in his (supposed) child's life. He is cruelly sidelined. He is much more likable than the leads. Though I respect the decision to not make him out to be a typical villain, they could have least explored him. Here we have a guy trying to overcome a difficult time, and takes responsibility even though he needn't. Who the hell wrote this? Had Bateman raped Aniston, or swapped her baby, we'd be in horror territory. This really has me questioning humanity, but I suppose the fact it inspires forgiveness is something.
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