Melancholia (2011)
The End Of The World, Scored by Wagner
28 November 2011
He, I mean Von Triar, is as brilliant as he is irritating. Some part of me tells me he's having the last laugh at my expense. But then, this film is hypnotic in so many different ways and not all bad. The images will stay with me even if I don't particularly want them to. Kirsten Dunst and Charlotte Gainsbourg are sublime, like Thulin and Ullman in "Cries And Whispers" Unfortunatele, their journey comes from the mind and more unfortunately from the pen of one of the great self-promoters of the last 20 years. Enough with the hand held camera, please! The device is not a style anymore but a show of laziness. I have to grant, however, I wasn't bored, I was rather transfixed by the unavoidable planet enveloped in Wagner's Tristan and Isolde.. Kiefer Sutherland plays the selfish coward, with chilling conviction while Charlotte Rampling and John Hurt are a delight in a much to brief appearance. If you love movies you must see this, I think that's part of Lars's con.
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