Numb3rs (2005–2010)
Entertaining enough spin of a cop show routine
25 November 2011
Having only watched a couple of episodes of season one, so I can't comment on the development that the show has probably shown to date, but from what I have seen the show is a pleasant enough twist on the traditional crime show. You've read the synopsis I expect, or seen the show, so I wont bother explaining the premise to you and just focus on the grit.

The characters of the show are pretty basic, save the protagonist mathematician and Dr. Larry, who have the necessary eccentricities of their intellects, if being probably far more socially skilled than their real life counterparts - the main character was intended to be likable so we go the Will Hunting type of extreme genius who is practically fine at interacting with other human beings, sure it probably happens sometimes.

The dynamic between the two brothers does not give off a family vibe in my opinion, but the acting overall is good quality, Peter MacNicol is great to watch as ever and his relationship with the main character is good fun to watch.

My only major criticism is that the show suffers from an overabundance of exposition that makes it even harder to suspend disbelief, it practically slaps you in the face with its cold fish whilst shouting "I am a work of fiction". The cartloads of exposition is to be expected from the parts of the script where mathematics are involved, and even if its fairly rudimentary stuff - we're used to that, we know they're scared of looking too nerdy or cryptic and putting off viewers with all their mathematical gobbledygook. What must have happened is that when writing the script, having to explain all the mathematical jargon has influenced the style of the entire show, and it seems like characters are forever explaining everything to each other, clearly for our benefit. It just makes you want to groan.

Saying all this I still find the show easy watching and relaxing. Its not brilliant in any shape or form but its just original enough and without too many layers of cheese that puts it a cut above a lot of other shows of this type that may have much higher production value.

Its got charm, thats something you cant buy and makes the show appealing despite any shortcomings.
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