Not Romero's best; a good idea goes flop
10 June 2011
3 stars for humour (although totally unintended). If you want a cheesy 70's witchcraft B-movie just for some cheap laughs at the wigs and swinging lingo, then by all means, enjoy! The overall idea of this film was pretty good, but it failed to meet the mark. The story seems lost, trying to get itself on track, but frequently gets diverted on a psychedelic trip of misdirection.

Bored and disillusioned housewives, alcoholism, the occult, female self-empowerment, the 1970's sexual revolution, bizarre dream sequences... This story is trying to be about so much, and ends up being a jumbled mess. Romero, whatever you were trying to say here, it's totally lost in cinematic translation.

I also found this film to be strikingly dated. The "hip" script comes off as silly. Unlike Romero's previous films, this dialouge seems unusually forced and artificial.

Anti-climatic. Poorly edited. Corny costumes and effects. Silly dialouge. Meandering and floundering plot. Annoying electronic soundtrack. Lack-luster acting. Cheap film, trying to be artistic, but ends up poorly made, desperate and lost in itself. I had a few laughs, but I wouldn't want to watch it again.

Note: For anyone who is a witch, it's likely that this movie won't be as offensive as most "witchcraft" movies tend to be, as it does treat the subject with more sensitivity and accuracy than I had expected.
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