Dominique (1979)
Is Dominique dead?
29 May 2011
Creepy thriller concerning a selfish American businessman (Robertson) supporting his interests through a marriage of convenience to his wealthy English wife (Simmons), until she commits suicide as a result of his emotional bullying. Her instructions are for her will to be read on their wedding anniversary in a few weeks' time, and as that day draws nearer, visions, apparent apparitions and strange goings-on haunt Robertson to the point of virtual insanity. Convinced that his wife has returned from the dead, he enlists his new chauffeur (Ward) to exhume her body, not once, but twice, where he makes a shocking discovery.

Atmospheric, tense and suspenseful throughout, I found Simmons' portrayal of the emotionally crippled wife compelling and her 'resurrection' even more stirring. Gaping plot holes, contrivances and other poetic conveniences while no means forgiven, are somewhat disguised by director Anderson's flair for creating tension out of the limited material. The cast however has considerable depth, with veterans David Tomlinson, Jack Warner, Dame Flora Robson, and Ron Moody in a pivotal supporting role. Jenny Agutter, Judy Geeson and Michael Jayston are also prominent.

There's Hitchockian moments and more than just a little reminiscence of the similarly titled French classic "Les diaboliques" (1955), and yet despite the somewhat borrowed theme, I still found myself in the grip of "Dominique" and was rewarded with some heart-pounding moments. Not perfect, but entertaining nonetheless.
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