Auschwitz (2011)
Uwe Boll found his true calling!
1 March 2011
I've had the chance to watch a screener today. This is not Schindler's List. It's not a movie for entertainment but to remember genocide that still happens today.

This play starts with a documentary and ends with a documentary that is 45 minutes long. In the actual movie, which is about 30 minutes long, you see a train arriving at a concentration camp, and then you see every detail until the Nazis kill the inmates. You see, hear and can almost feel the people choke in the Gas in every detail. The movie shows shocking images of how it could have been back then in Auschwitz.

In the movie part, Uwe Boll is playing a Nazi Guard and he plays his role just as if he would work in a School, Kindergarten or Prison, with total normality as if what he's doing as a Nazi Guard is normal work. There is dialogues between the Nazi guards that I found mostly realistic. They have normal problems and small talk just like anybody else and are not the typical Hollywood-type of bad guys.

Before and after the movie, there is the 45 minute documentary which consists of a short introduction by Uwe Boll and interviews with German Teenagers (Germans, and German Immigrants), where one of them looks like a young Claudia Schiffer but does give surprisingly intelligent answers about the Holocaust, Jews and Auschwitz. In this part of this work, there is also real images and video from Concentration Camps, Hitler and the time back then.

I think it's important to remember this time, I do think the movie by Uwe Boll helps. I like how the documentary part of the movie does mention other parts of the world where today still genocide happens, just in smaller numbers. We should never forget and respect each other and care for each other, no matter race, nationality, skin color, or beliefs.

To quote John Lennon, I hope you join us. 10/10 for Inspiration and the documentary value.
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