Night and Fog (1956)
Night and Fog
20 February 2011
To be sure, this movie is well made and informative. It certainly does its job in forcing viewers to feel moved by the Holocaust. However I believe it to be wrong to show this movie to high school students. As an adult this movie horrified me. I now have images in my mind that I cannot forget no matter how hard I try to. Nothing can prepare someone for the images in this movie. I watched it after a week long program on the Holocaust and genocide. The whole week combined was not as traumatic as this film was. It has been shown that many students feel a sense of trauma after learning about the Holocaust. Once a student is emotionally and psychologically scared by a topic (such as the Holocaust) they don't want to learn about it any more. This film effectively moves students to feel disgust and horror when thinking about the Holocaust. It just as effectively halts conversation and learning about the Holocaust and current genocide. The film also creates a fear of the victims of the Holocaust for many viewers. And worst of all, in my opinion, it dehumanizes the victims of the Holocaust. The film never mentions life beforehand for the victims. The victims are not people in the film, they are just victims of a terrible event. Isn't it just as important to remember who the victims were as it is to remember what happened to them?
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