Barb Wire (1996)
Let's face it, if you're looking for depth and a meaning, you've put the wrong movie in your machine
6 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
There are some films that are bad, infamous bad and Barb Wire is one of those I have heard about. Some bad films are trashy but can be a bit fun, like Showgirls and some can just be wrong like Striptease. Barb Wire is a film I guess in some way I'm kind of undecided on, it has the making for just a bad movie with Pamela's bad acting but has the action scenes and cheesy lines that make it fun as well. This movie is a retelling of Cassablanca and isn't so quick to hide that fact, so I guess this is the exotic remake. Pam Anderson is a sexy female lead and isn't that hard to believe that at times she can be tough, she does wear that leather well I have to admit, but some of the way she delivers the lines was a little too Shaquil O'Neil, I think if you're going to do a movie like this, you might as well go over the top, go a little James Woods, it's all good. But we need a fun action film with the lead being female, just sad that this is a bad film that got overlooked.

Set in 2017 during the "Second American Civil War", Barb Wire owns the Hammerhead, a nightclub in Steel Harbor "the last free city" in a United States ravaged by the civil war and she brings in extra cash by hiring out as a mercenary and bounty hunter. Her club is raided by Chief of Police Willis, who is looking for the fugitive Dr. Corrina "Cora" Devonshire. Devonshire, a former government scientist, has information about a bioweapon being developed by her former superior, Colonel Pryzer of the Congressional Directorate; she is trying to escape to Canada in order to make this information public. Meanwhile, Devonshire has turned up at the Hammerhead. She is accompanied by Axel Hood, a "freedom fighter" whom Barb had known at the outbreak of the war, but the two were separated soon afterward. Axel is now married to Cora, and is trying to help her get to Canada. They are trying to find a contraband pair of contact lenses which will allow Cora to evade the retinal scan at the Steel Harbor airport. The lenses pass through the hands of several lowlifes before also ending up at Barb's nightclub.

Barb Wire really wasn't as bad as I was expecting, even though it's just a remake of a classic romantic movie, it does have some cool moments. I loved some of the action scenes, the fight on the fork lift was a lot of fun to watch and since the movie doesn't take itself too seriously, it's all good and makes the fight scenes that more exciting. I guess I could say that I enjoyed the movie a little bit, I suppose it's a new guilty pleasure. Pam Anderson may be an awful actress, but it's not like I was looking for an Oscar worth movie when I decided to watch it. But I have a feeling that the director has some serious sexual issues considering some of the strange erotic torture devices used in the film are a bit much, maybe I don't want to know. If you have an open mind and are looking for a good bad film, I think you'll get a kick out Barb Wire. However just think if you're looking for an actual action film with good acting, just look at the cover, enough said.

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