Review of (2010)
4 Girls, 3 Days, 2 Cities, 1 Chance...... A very interesting British crime thriller with unique take on the lives of British youth.
7 November 2010 – CATCH IT ( B+ ) 4 Girls, 3 Days, 2 Cities, 1 Chance...... A very interesting British crime thriller with unique take on the lives of British youth. The movie has been shot in very Risqué and Erotic way but this can't be denied that it portrays the young troubled youth, who have gone way to wild than people assume they ever will. I like how director have interlinked four stories into each other and eventually it seems like that you have seen four movies in one, which is great because each and every story is fast paced and the girls are Simply Hot & talented. The movie starts with very interesting scene and then suddenly we rushed back to the events which lead to this scene. All four girls meet in café and then rush to their houses and that's how story of one girl to another starts in a very interesting and entertaining way. 4. Ophelia Lovibond is gorgeous and among all girls she was indeed the best and most powerful. Her performance and story is really interesting and it's quite interesting to see other's girls segment concluding her story. Ryan Michelle as the mobster looks Cute & Hot. 3. Tamsin Egerton is a stunner; she looks like a perfect model with some good acting chops as well. Her story has some really erotic and funny moments, as she goes to New York to meet her dream net lover so she can finally lose her virginity. It's amazing how she takes out the revenge and deal with those guys. Eve made a small special appearance in it. Freddie Stroma is Hot & very cunning this time. 2. Shanika Warren-Markland is Hot! I thought she is just another long leggy girl but seriously she is extremely Hot! She plays a lesbian in the movie it's interesting to see her dynamics with her family and Half-brother. Gregg Chillin did a good job as her half brother. Susannah Fielding as Shanika's lesbian lover was hot and they share some really steamy scenes. 1. Emma Roberts is cute and whenever I see her in adult roles it's hard for me to digest. She is cursing the whole time and using words like Di*k, Sh*t and Fu*k a lot so its Emma Roberts (I never accept her like that), Nonetheless she did a commendable job and proved that if we forget her good girl image she has that Raw adult potential. Linzey Cooker, Noel Clarke, Adam Deacon and Jacob Anderson did their part right. Over all a very good risqué British Crime Thriller, watch it, it's very entertaining.
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