It would have worked if they didn't tie it to the first one.
25 October 2010
By todays standards, there is no such thing as a universally loved American horror film. There is no "Halloween", "Nightmare on Elm Street", or "Psycho". It's either you love it, or you hate it. However, whenever a pretty decent horror movie comes along that presses the boundaries of originality, the majority of the American audience puts it back in the closet. Why? Why can we not breed great original ideas? Why are they not accepted by the general public? Case in point "Paranormal Activity". Why do the majority of people not accept fresh ideas in the horror department? Does it need to be foreign in order for you to buy into the idea? Never the less, the movie scared the living crap out of me. Because the movie carries on the old horror tradition that what you don't see or understand, is what scares us the most.

Okay, now one of the main reasons why i thought the first movie worked so well was because of it's set up and progression of scare tactics. The use of the whole 'Hand-held cam' didn't feel forced or un-necessary. And it's storyline was so simple, yet very elaborate in it's horror. However, with this new one, it tried to use the same ol' parlor tricks......which i am afraid, is what every single American horror movie does. Yes, i know they are being haunted by invisible enemies and there is only sooo much you can do. But i think the reason why the same tricks didn't work this time around, was because they tied this movie to the first one. And i even said from day one, if they want this movie to be just as spooky as the first, it cannot be relative to the original what so ever. You cannot create a Jason, or Michael Meyers with these movies, i don't care how hard you try.....it will never work because your missing one main element.....YOU CAN'T EVEN SEE WHAT'S DOING IT!!!! So i will say this much, the storyline for this one wasn't as easy to swallow as the first. Not only that, it doesn't quiet add up in the long run, and doesn't match the first one as far as accuracy.

But, even though the movie tries to mimic a lot of sequences from the first, i was still pretty spooked. Obviously there were some scenes that definitely had your eyes widened with horror. Even though it pretty much stole an entire sequence from "Rec.". But that's okay with me, because your stealing from another good horror flick.

Bottom Line.....yeah, you'll be spooked, but it doesn't match the level of horror that you felt in the first. If you make a third one.....which i think we all know is coming. Please don't tie it to the first one......keep the ideas fresh and original. Don't milk the same scenario like every other horror sequel.
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