Looks promising, but with several potential problems.
22 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I have for some reason never seen any episodes of "Curb your enthusiasm" before. But always been a fan of the humour from Seinfeld, which apparently most of it derived from Larry David. so I thought I would give this series a try since the lack of good humour programs are hard to come by these days.

Anyway this pilot give a brief suggestion to what the show is going to be about: Larry's everyday life more or less filmed without any re-rakes, total improvisation or simply natural reactions to situations from everyday life. I really like that concept as I find that genuine reactions makes it so much more realistic compared to the modern so-called acting in which you cannot really identify yourself with any of the characters as they are acting as "actors" and not acting as a "character", making it too obvious it's not genuine social interactions you are witnessing.

One of the concepts about Seinfeld I really like was that it hardly ever lowered itself into cheap death or offensive sex-related humour but just kept going in style, in contrast to 80%+ of all current sit-coms. But from watching this pilot you sort of get an impression that Larry David has planned to loosen up on these restrictions. I hope he doesn't and that it was just a coincidence on this pilot...

Also if the show really wants to be a kind of sit-com/reality-improvised hybrid, I think they need to keep the amount of amazing coincidences at a plausible level, which for instance you cannot really say Seinfeld did. I mean I am sure Larry David has a massive personal social network, but nevertheless, there is a limit to how many persons he can just accidentally ran into during a certain period of time.

During this pilot for instance he accidentally meet a friend who is out jogging. Yet when she stops and talk to him, she is instantly talking fluently without a trace of increased heart beat as a result of the jogging. Surely this doesn't really bother me much, but if the actual show is going to contain many of these similar "goofs" in relation to it being improvised, I think it will take away a lot of the reality feeling it seems so obvious Larry David is trying to create.

This pilot was unnecessarily long and I don't think there was a need to so clearly and repetitively stress what kind of taboos Larry David suspects will be included in the upcoming show. I can really identify myself with many of the everyday social norms Larry David is bringing up, both in Seinfeld and in this Pilot, like for instance how non-nonchalance people often act if they are on the phone when you are entering their room.

I am really looking forward to the actual show which I think and hope will be much better. A show in which I think will have the potential to be a more raw version of Seinfeld with a more realistic yet equally funny set.

This pilot might have been made to prepare viewers not so familiar to Larry David's honest yet border-lining rude humour, but the pilot almost derailed into a narcissistic reality show. I hope this will not be the case for the upcoming show.
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