Flash Gordon (1980)
High Camp but so good looking
30 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Of all the sci fi films which didn't take themselves way too seriously in the eighties, this is probably the best. Okay, it doesn't have the quasi-religious undertones of Star Wars nor the 'we want to be taken seriously' tone of Lord of the Rings or the cgi'd to hell and back look of nearly every sci-fi film since the 1990s, but it does have one thing: Sam Jones in tight black leather briefs. And that is the whole point of the film. You don't take it seriously.

There is also the plot. Quite simple. Ming the Merciless of the Planet Mongo wants to invade/destroy earth. And Flash, Dale Arden and Doctor Zarkov are the only ones who can stop him. However, they must first negotiate the mad, high camp of Ming's court with its highly coloured and very extravagant costumes, the ridiculous dialogue, moments of rather adult (although I didn't know it at the time) humour and, of course, Max Von Syndow as Ming. Who looks perfect.

Yes, the special effects are interesting and superseded by better stuff, but the high gloss look of the whole thing somehow makes you think it doesn't matter. And the rest of the cast play along admirably, even Tim Dalton, delicious as Prince Barin and the wonderfully, over the top, Brian Blessed playing Vultan.

Its good fun, very silly and makes you feel good. What more is there. This film is why you went to the cinema in the first place.
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