Review of Piranha 3D

Piranha 3D (2010)
Just when you thought it was safe to go into the water...again
7 September 2010
In 1978, Joe Dante made Piranha, which is known for being campy fun. Dante went on to make Gremlins, The Howling, and Small Soldiers. In 1981, James Cameron made Piranha Part Two: The Spawning, which is considered by some to be one of the worst movies ever made. Cameron went on to make Avatar and Titanic, the two highest grossing films ever. Now, in 2010, Alexandre Aja made Piranha 3D. What will Aja make in the future? Hopefully, some really good movies because Piranha 3D is the most fun I've had in theaters ever. From bouncing boobs to heads being ripped off, Piranha 3D is simply terrible and at the same time, all too good. This is the kind of movie that is just so bad it is good and there is no other way to say it. The 3D gags are quite fun and there are a few surprising jump scenes along the way.

If the plot of Piranha 3D sounds outrageous, it is because it is far fetched and ridiculous in the best way possible. In a small town centered around the beautiful Lake Victoria, a small earthquake opens up an underwater crevasse. Inside this crevasse are little piranhas. Yes, you read it right. The piranhas are prehistoric and hungry for blood. One problem: it is Spring Break and hundreds of college students are partying in the lake. If you laughed at this description, this movie is probably for you.

The best part of Piranha 3D is anything that is way over the top, which is most of the film. There is a two minute "underwater ballet" sequence in which two beautiful, completely nude women fondle each other in the lake. And we see everything. It is honestly the dumbest scene, but it is purposefully stupid. The last 45 minutes have to be the most gory scenes ever shot on film. Gallons upon gallons of blood are spilled in these scenes. None of the ultraviolent parts will be spoiled, but even though these parts do disgust, they also incite laughter. Many people do not get this and walk out of the theater around half way through, but stick around. You will not regret it.

Piranha 3D also marks the second time that 3D has not been used as another "dimension" since REAL-D technology was invented. Over the course of the brief film, vomit, a hook, an anchor, piranhas, a bitten off penis, and more are thrown at the audience. Yes, that's right, even a bitten off penis. The special effects and 3D are terrible, but in a good way. As weird as that sounds, this movie works for the sole reason that is bad-good, like Grindhouse or Machete, only worse.

Piranha 3D is like a great roller coaster: mostly fun with a few jolts along the way. Full of boobs and blood galore, Piranha 3D creates a lot of laughs as the summer comes to a close. Alexandre Aja done such a horrible/terrific job with this film that I cannot help but think he has got other good tricks that he has yet to show us. Although it was a flop, Piranha 3D may just be the most fun movie this year. At least there is a sequel (supposedly) coming.
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