What a waste of film and my time
28 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
When the show first started I had really high hopes. The ads kept promising everything would be answered by the end of the summer. With so many disappointments over the last few years it was refreshing to have a complex and mysterious series actually complete it's run. I was snookered in by Invasion, Threshold, Flash Forward, Daybreak, etc., etc. But a promising miniseries with real answers and a definite conclusion was something I looked forward to.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. The initial premise was promising and provocative, but the show, episode by episode, fell apart so quickly it was like watching a train wreck.

The plot about a worldwide conspiracy to kidnap random people, throwing them into deserted towns in the middle of nowhere, where they are tortured/tested and observed, goes nowhere quickly.

We're never given a reason why 1. This vast all-powerful organization kidnaps and tortures innocent people for no reason. 2. Those working undercover in the "The Program" are so invested and committed that it doesn't bother them the test subjects are tortured and usually killed. 3. Why The Program have so much worldwide control after only 50 years of existence. 4. What Robert Picardo was thinking when he showed up during the last few minutes of the series. He wore a stupid long white wig and his only scene involved asking the chairwoman pointless questions as slowly as possible. 6. What the whole point was anyway.

The last show was made up of random scenes of the captives on the run. For some reason, some of them are suddenly in Morocco, an impossibility since they had had no money or IDs.

In fact, even though the series definitely ended with the thirteenth episode, there were so many new unanswered, cliff-hanger questions - it seemed like the writers just wanted to spit in our faces with the unsatisfactory and pathetic finale.

This series made Lost's recent finale look like Shakespeare, with every tiny question answered and every plot point nicely tied up. Of course, that didn't really happen, but Persons Unknown botched their responsibility far, far worse than that. How did this ever get green-lighted, and is the NBC executive who approved the show still working in television?

In the end NO questions were answered, other than what else I will be doing if this garbage gets renewed (doubtful) - I'll be doing something else.
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