District 9 (2009)
This is mind-blowing!
13 August 2010
This is such an incredibly weird movie that I am not even sure if I can adequately describe it, but I'll try. The film is, through the first half, a mockumentary about a problematic alien problem that will supposedly be happening in the near future. In 2010, an alien ship appears over Johannesburg and just hovers there. When humans eventually decide to cut through the hull, they find the ship packed with over a million aliens--aliens that are starving and look like giant bugs. Well, there seems to be no one in charge and they all are apparently workers who have no real purpose other than to work. When the UN decides to finally do something about it, the aliens are herded into a giant ghetto like those used during apartheid. And, for the most part, they are reviled or exploited--and kept as a permanent underclass.

The film mostly centers around a rather dim civil servant, Wikus Van De Merwe (Sharlto Copley). He is the leader of an organization sent in to move the bugs to a new facility that also totally sucks--but is away from the humans--who have come to totally distrust and hate them. But, in the process he accidentally infects himself...and where this goes next is just amazingly weird! And, once infected, the film stops being a mockumentary and follows his new life as a wanted man. Why is he wanted, who wants him and what this is all about is just too much for this short review--really.

So let's talk about the film. I used to think that movies like "Happiness of the Katakuris", "Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World" and "Delicatessen" were weird films, but "District 9" clearly sets a new standard for weird and creative. You simply cannot find anything like it--and it's wonderful to find a film that is this unique. Plus, like good sci-fi, this one is a great allegory with deeper contemporary meaning--with a lot to say about us screwed up humans! By the way, this movie is rated-R and it clearly deserves this. The language is very, very rough but the film is also very gross--with lots of blood, guys, vomiting and the like. It is NOT for a person with a weak stomach or children...seriously...do NOT let the kids see this one! Because of this, although I loved this film and was blown away by it, I also cannot see it as a perfect film--hence my not giving it a 10. It's just unnecessarily adult when it could have been a great film for a much wider audience.
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