Cold Prey (2006)
How It should be done
3 July 2010
Okay normally i'm not really into subtitled movies, but when I came across this little gem the other day and after all the rave reviews that I read about this on web, well I just had to see what all the fuss was about, and I was pleased with the result.

The Plot = Five people decide to take a snowboarding trip in the Norweign mountains, but one of them falls and breaks his leg, then they find refuge in an old abandoned ski lodge cabin, this where the terror begins.

Okay It's a generic plot but that doesn't matter and in no way makes this a bad movie whatsoever, It's however one of the many strenghs of this movie that brings a certain realism to it's surroundings and characters. Okay It's a slow burner at first it takes about 40 minutes for the first murder to happen, but when it does it really kicks in and in the meantime we get to know the main cast and it always keeps you interested all the way through.

The eerieness and tension are all there in this, the ski lodge was a geniue creepy place and when they start exploring the place and finding information and the killer works really well since he's just a regular guy geared up to handle the cold weather, so his face is naturally covered by material to keep himself warm. Though, his size is what makes him intimidating, towering over his victims by a foot or two. Since he uses a standard pick as his weapon of choice, we don't get a lot of gore, but there's a decent amount of blood. However, the movie's aim clearly wasn't to please us with gore, but to chill us with tension and it actually works. My favorite part of the film involved a sequence in which one of the survivors runs outside in the pitch black of night with only a flashlight -- short, but awesome scene and the final showdown really packs a punch. The movie just shows that even if you have a predictable and clichéd story you can deliver a decent watch.

The cast were all top notch = Ingrid Bolso Berdal who plays the main heroine Jannike hit all the right notes, she was fantastic and really stood out, her emotions and logical thinking made her a very likable character too root for. Rolf Kristian Larsen (Tobias) was another stand out as the joker of the group who brakes his leg, he made his character very real and sympatechic. Tomas Alf Larsen (Erik) was also another interesting addition to cast as was Viktoria Winge (Ingunn) the pretty blonde more than the usual bimbo they usually have in these movies, she actually layers to her character and Endre Martin Midtstigan (Mikal) who also played the asshole role pretty well.

All in all a decent slasher that hails all the way from Norway, that actually brings realism and an interesting set up and beautiful scenery a definite must see the best slasher in years.
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