Noel Clarke...you should be ashamed of yourself...Really mean that
16 June 2010
Firstly I was a fan of Noel Clarke. I thought the acclaimed Kidulthood was very well written. Adulthood was again very well written and really made a statement about the youth of today.

And then comes 4,3,2,1............Jesus Christ......What the hell was he thinking

This film is wrong on so many levels. This film was nothing more than a pathetic attempt at trying to emulate American directors like Tarantino in a tongue in cheek ridiculous story. The story itself was absolutely atrocious, unclear and unrealistic. The dialogue was terrible and the acting was so stereotypical that by half way through I really couldn't have given a toss how it ended...I just wanted it to end and the pain to stop.

I honestly took Mr. Clarke for an upcoming writer/director who has a voice and something to say about the world. I would have compared him to people like Mike Leigh and Danny Boyle early in their careers and thought after his first two successes he would be looking to make real life films that make a real statement, films like Nil by mouth or 21 grams.

I think what has happened is that he won his BAFTA and it went straight to his head. His agent has been on at him to make something...anything, and he thought that because of his success he could bang out a decent budget action comedy with plenty of female flesh and sex talk, stick a bit of Tarantino and guy Ritchie in their and hey presto...and to top it all off I'll give myself the most egotistical and arrogant part in the Movie...because I obviously have that opinion of himself.

I myself are a young upcoming film maker and I must say that it upset me a great deal watching this...just thinking what I could have made with a tenth of his budget. I just hope to God that the film does not make it's money back and Noel is brought crashing back down to earth and realises that in order to make a good film...you actually have to do some work.

Thank you
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