Mostly Ghostly (2007 Video)
this was a fun, entertaining film to watch. i recommend it highly
11 May 2010
After the poor reviews, I waited for DVD, expecting very little. But Ali Lohan had impressed me in her sheer ability to carry a bad movie by sheer talent. Here again Lohan doesn't disappoint, still managing to hold you captive with a screen presence that just doesn't quit, even when the writing or directing is not that great. The movie was funny and just slapstick enough to strain - but not break - credibility (once you accept the whole premise). I liked it for fun and enjoyment; I might even buy it. It also serves to remind us that Ali Lohan is only one good role away from an Oscar-winning performance. Pettis and Beaumon are excellent as well. I am surprised by the complete trouncing by the critics. I think it is possible that critics -and a great deal of the public - get 'mud-colored glasses' on when they smell blood in the water - as with Ali's sister Lindsay, Nicole Richie, and anyone else who appears vulnerable. They may love-to-hate, but I do know I very much enjoyed watching Ali Lohan act in this movie.
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