An Angel for May (2002 TV Movie)
A true gem that fell through the cracks
14 April 2010
We always watch films for the story. This one not only has a humanistic story line, but truly fine acting. In addition, it involves the imagination we each had, and hopefully still do, when we were children. There is some magic here, and great inspiration. See it. It is one of those gems that, for whatever reasons, just slips away. The afternoon I watched this on television, I was sitting with my cat who passed away peacefully in that moment. His name was Rosie. Then, in this film, the boy, principal character, was running through the fields calling for Rosie. Go figure. It meant a great deal to me, and this is not why I am recommending the movie. I am critical, and the story in this film gives each of us some support for what it is to be human, and for what I consider to be one of the most important qualities we have, our imagination, or in other words, possibilities.
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