The most underrated film of 2009. (Coming from a non-book reader.)
19 March 2010
"It was like watching a bad train wreck". "An $80 Million Lifetime Movie". "A grand, sloppy folly for Peter Jackson".

Really? Because I've seen worse that same year.

The negative reception given to this film is somewhat cruel compared to other movies. You're complaining about the story being sappy? Then what do you call those melodramatic films of the '50s and '60s?

I think I'm gonna get bashed for this, but I have not read Alice Sebold's novel prior to seeing this movie. Reading is not really my thing, I like to see it visually. Everyone has their own interests and opinions and is entitled to them. Anyway, taken entirely on its own this movie is an excellent fantasy thriller with compelling performances by Ronan, Wahlberg and Weisz, and an exceptionally, superbly creepy and disturbing performance by Tucci.

Yes there are mistakes, but nothing is perfect. I think most of the negative reception is given by die-hard fans of the novel, disappointed by Peter Jackson's handling of it, and accusing him of ruining the novel's original point. Well I have no right to say anything about that given I didn't read the book. However Jackson directs with flair, the CGI sequences are outstanding and breathtaking. That doesn't mean he can't do live-action sequences either. The dramatic and suspense scenes are full of emotion and taut. Add beautiful cinematography and a perfect ambient score by Brian Eno and you got yourself an extraordinary mix of talent and skills.

While other reviewers tend to complain that Jackson's CGI bogged down the performances, I beg to differ; his direction brings out the best in the actors. You care and feel a LOT for these characters. Especially Saoirse Ronan. She is absolutely brilliant as the lead role Susie Salmon. I could see her having a career like Natalie Portman. Mark Wahlberg gives his all as the devastated father, as per Rachel Weisz as the mother who cannot cope with her daughter's death. Susan Sarandon is good but I felt her role is played mostly for laughs instead of comfort.

However it is Stanley Tucci that got the biggest impression out of me. He is a downright cruel and inhumane being. Pure evil. And his acting is brilliant, just brilliant. His villainous role doesn't just exist in the movies; knowing that people like George exist in the real world makes it even more disturbing. And Tucci pulls it off. He deserved his Oscar nomination and I hope for bigger things from him to come. Bravo.

One more thing. Although it is rated PG-13 it has LOTS of mature themes and some shocking things in it that may not be for the faint of heart or emotionally sensitive. This is a movie that should be taken by its own merit, and not as an adaptation, for most of the case it would surely be inferior to the original. Films and novels are two different art visuals; please treat and judge them differently instead of comparing them. I highly recommend this excellent, highly underrated emotional roller-coaster of a film. It's an extremely intense, disturbing and ultimately gut-wrenching experience.

Overall rating: 9/10
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