Night and Fog (1956)
Short-documentary about concentration camps with horrifying and hair-raising images
2 March 2010
This incredible documentary is among the very first films concerning the Nazi horrors , as we see harsh rampage , grisly murders , astonishing massacres against the unfortunate prisoners . Thus , when the incoming transports , mostly Jews, SS soldiers made instant decisions , those who were fit to labors were sent into the camp, others including the children , were dispatched immediately to the gas chambers . The picture providing a view of the terrible reality that begins with the Nazi rise to power in 1933 , being told by a voice-i- off whose narrator is the prestigious French actor Michael Bouquet. The documentary contains archive footage with the protagonists of the tragedy, as there appears Adolf Hitler, Reinhard Heydrich , Heinrich Himmler , Julius Streicher , among others . It packs sensitive and relaxed musical score fitting to horrible frames composed by Eisler and conducted by Georges Delerue . The film is perfectly edited and directed by Alain Resnais who takes WWII shots , adding recent images of concentration camps and specially from Auschwitz. . From the building of the concentration camps to the eventual roundup of Jews and others issues , as people from across Europe are herded into cattle cars and transported to the camps where those who were not not immediately executed are put to work. By 1942, the Nazi's "final solution" - the extermination of all Jews - is in full force.

The short-documentary dealing with the Holocaust is based on real events by means of photographs and stock-footage. Alain Resnais' short 1955 documentary film in which appears work camps are transformed into extermination centers to implement the policy of genocide thought at the Wannsee Conference . All four camps , Sobibor , Chelmo , Blezek and Treblinka in the Lublin district of Poland were under the command of SS Odilo Globocnick and , of course, Himmler and Heydrich , the architects of final solution . There was some minor industrial activity linked to the war effort but the main work was the execution of inmates . Millions of prisoners died in the concentration camps through mistreatment, disease , starvation , and overwork, or were executed as unfit for labor. More than three million Jews died in them, usually in gas chambers , although many were killed in mass shootings and by other means.

Prisoners were often transported in inhumane conditions by rail freight cars, in which many died before reaching their destination . The prisoners were confined to the rail cars, often for days or weeks, without food or water . Many died of dehydration in the intense heat of summer or froze to death in winter. Concentration camps also existed in Germany itself , and while they were not specifically designed for systematic extermination, many of their prisoners perished because of harsh conditions or were executed.Victims were brought to the camp in unventilated transports , and all but a handful were gassed after arrival,the gas chambers could accommodate hundred prisoners at one time using Zyclon B which was a crystallized prussic acid which dropped into death chamber , most of their corpses were burned in open pits . The documentary reflects amazing images of the exterminations camps . These camps differed from the rest , since not all of them were also concentration camps. Although none of the categories is independent, and each camp could be classified as a mixture of several of the above, and all camps had some of the elements of an extermination camp, systematic extermination of new-arrivals occurred in very specific camps. Of these, four were extermination camps, where all new-arrivals were simply killed - the "Aktion Reinhard" camps (Treblinka , Sobibor and Belzec) , together with Chelmno. Two others (Auschwitz-Birkenau and Majdanek) were combined concentration and extermination camps . Others were at times classified as "minor extermination camps". Little of the camps remain today but the memory of what happened lives on.
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