The Uninvited (2009)
A good looking and technically sound film, but ultimately VERY lame and ineffective...
30 January 2010
Man... How do I put this without sounding unhinged...

Okay, first and foremost, ANY time I wish to read about a film that I am interested in I ALWAYS read the 'External' reviews first, which for me personally especially where Horror films are involved, I rely on COMPLETELY as opposed to the 'User' reviews. Those are usually much more balanced and you can count of the fact that they are genuine and NOT 'plants'. Admittedly, Horror is EXTREMELY subjective, so perhaps some may enjoy this film; although I'm sorry, but I must admit that I most certainly did not, and to me at least some of these 'rave reviews' are so calculatingly worded as to how 'wonderful' the film is in EVERY way that it makes me a bit nauseous. I don't know, maybe I just have a bad case of gas...

For what it's worth, at least for my personal taste, ANY time there is a Horror film that catches my eye I always try to see if 'Slasherpool's site has reviewed it, because many times I do agree with their taste and their reviews. This one had 1 star out of a possible 5. He had seen the original and felt that this one was a complete travesty by comparison. He also stated that as a stand alone film not taking into account the original, that it was just very poor instead of abysmal. Just thought I'd share that, since I don't know how many take the time to read the 'External Reviews. To me, his are usually right on the nose and what I really appreciate about his reviews is that whether it is a tame PG-13 film like this one or a horrendous Slasher film, he treats them all equally as to their cinematic merits. (***UPDATE: Sadly, since my writing this, the site no longer exists :(

Now, from MY standpoint. First off, the reason I even give this film 2 stars is because the production values and photography and the technical aspects of it are very good. But... sadly, that is about it. Primarily I just did NOT like the acting at all; sure, Strathairn is an excellent actor, but right from the beginning, Emily Browning's acting in the Psychiatrists office, her little predictable 'pensive' and 'ooh, do you really think so' expressions, etc., just did NOT ring true to me at all at any level whatsoever. The interaction between the two sisters including the 'acting' of the other sister, pretty much the same thing. The direction... Well, I don't know, maybe it's personal preference but I just felt we were being led along a very, VERY predictable path from the first scene in her bedroom after she had gone to sleep (not giving any specifics away of course) Honestly, the whole thing just felt like complete cardboard. Like 'Okay, let's show how scared she is... okay now lets play the scary sounds... okay now lets build up the 'suspense'...' Sorry, the film just did absolutely NOTHING for me. Didn't care, wasn't moved, didn't like the girl at all...

It strikes me that perhaps what was sorely missing was a GENUINE atmosphere. I just did not FEEL it at all. Her reactions were completely 'plastic' and unbelievable, which could have been the fault of the director either not bringing the right performance out of her (because she IS supposed to be a good actress) or perhaps in the editing, choosing the wrong takes, I don't know. It just wasn't working for me...

So, what we are left with is a very nice looking movie with good production values, but completely unmoving, sterile, unrealistic and unbelievable. The interactions between characters are artificial. The film has absolutely NO atmosphere at all, which is COMPLETELY unforgivable for a Ghost Story...
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