Did you ever meet Lauren Bacall? Yeah I ran across her a number of times.. In my better dreams.
22 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Sick and tired of being pampered all his life together with him having a Lauren Bacall fixation soon to be anointed King of a unnamed Balkan country, if his people vote to keep their monarchy, Prince Henry, Dennis Morgan, wants to get away from it all and just become one of the boys; if just for a scant 24 hours. On an official state visit to the United States the Prince gets his wish when he gets himself lost in New York's Pennsylvania Station by wearing a pair of sades and slipping out into the crowd awaiting to welcome him there.

Getting a ride from a friendly Brooklyn cabbie Buzz Williams, Jack Carson, the Prince gets an eye as well as stomach full, in guzzling down 11 boilermakers and a half dozen hamburgers, of what life is all about among the unwashed masses and starts to really like it. Staying at Buzz's place that he shares with his married sister Nan, Rosemary DeCamp, and her 8 year old daughter Peggy, Pattie Brady, the Prince's secret identity, in being a real live honest to goodness Prince, is discovered the next day! That's when his photo is plastered across the front pages in all of the local and national newspapers! It's feared that he was kidnapped just before he was to make his grand and official appearance in New York. What makes things even worse is that Buzz's girlfriend Connie, Joan Leslie, a beautician who later meets the Prince while giving him a manicure fell madly and heads over heels in love with him!

Being the odd man out in this round robin love affair Buzz's feelings for the Prince, whom at first he thought was such a swell guy, starts to sore to the point where the two guy's from Milwaukee, Buzz's actually being from there and the Prince only making it up, start to take swing at each other with Buzz getting the worst of the exchange! While all this is going on the Prince's assistant or aid de camp Count "Ossie" Oswald, S.Z Sakall, is frantically looking for him all over New York. Ossie thinks that the Prince had been kidnapped and is trying to get in contact with his kidnappers to pay them off in order to free him! Ossie like the Prince soon gets the hang of what life is all about outside the palace grounds with Connie's friend Polly-Janis Page-falling for the totally confused, in what's going on in the movie, old guy and he starts to like it.

***SPOILERS*** Somewhat bittersweet ending with the Prince not only losing Connie to Buzz after planing to elope with her but him also getting kicked out of his job as Prince by his people in a special election! That's after they heard a rousing radio speech about freedom and democracy by the Prince's on and off good friend Buzz who didn't know, as he was reciting it, that the mike was turned on. Now without a study job or country to come back to the Prince, with his expertise in fine wines and fine spirits as well as all other alcoholic beverages, ends up working as a publicist or pitchman for a major Milwaukee brewing company!

P.S It's also later in the movie that the Prince finally gets his wish and meets sultry and deep voiced actress and love from afar Lauren Bacall on a plane ride to the beer capital, Milwaukee, of America. Only to have her tough guy husband Humphrey Bogart pop up and have the shocked and embarrassed Prince, in avoiding getting his lip buttoned, make a hasty retreat.
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