Kierston Wareing puts pro actors to shame
8 December 2009
Another slice of low life from Ken Loach, this is an "issue" picture dealing with trafficking in stateless workers. It's not the first, but this one features the astonishing Kierston Wareing, who landed this leading role after appearing briefly in just one TV episode. Kierston can play the pushy cow in the workplace, the caring neighbour and mother in private, and the tender lover in the bedroom. Strutting around getting her new business together, rounding up clients and welcoming curious workers, in all-black leatherette motor-bike togs, she makes this otherwise rather ordinary little drama stand out. When the going gets rough, she is utterly believable as the plucky fighter standing up for herself against an all-male world. When things go pear-shaped, she is the vulnerable female, but also the protective mother, as determined as any tigress. Throughout, we are rooting for her, even when she is obviously losing her way in a messed-up workaday world. At the end of the film, she is doing the wrong thing in order to do the right thing, and Loach has shown up brilliantly the conflicted people who traffic in the misfortune of their fellow workers. Definitely see this picture, if only to relish Kierston Wareing's maiden performance.
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