PoliWood (2009)
It's simple... if you lean to the left, everything is just peachy!
28 October 2009
This appears to be only the second commentary on this film, and I am fairly certain that the first critic and I would not be golfing buddies.

I want to refrain from tossing epithets at the loyal opposition... screw it... Republicans are ignorant racist morons, and Democrats are spineless overly sensitive idiots! If you erase the opinions of the Ditto-heads that were dragged by their wives, kicking and screaming, to see this obviously biased 'documentary' this movie is GREAT! Just don't expect to hold a civil discussion on the topic if you insist that your favorite Glenn Dreck fan accompany you.

Hollywood is chock full of vacuous dilettantes who are all-too-anxious to proffer political/cultural/religious gibberish as if they are psychically connected to the Wizard Himself... Hollywood is also filled with highly intelligent, superbly talented people, who are allowed by the grace of their celebrity to encourage their fans to become informed and participate in our Grand Democratic Experiment.

In our time, as 'Hybrid' technology is growing, I am a Political Hybrid. I am liberal on most social issues, but I am also conservative on the Second Amendment, violent criminals, and government spending.

Nearly all of the stars in this film acquit themselves well of the charges that right-wing nut-jobs are constantly hurling from their fortified Fox Studio-Bunkers. It is gratifying to watch beautiful, intelligent people, with the gifts of talent and charisma, speak eloquently and passionately about causes and policies that they deeply believe.

So, if you believe what you hear on Fox Noise Network, do everybody a favor and do NOT see this movie... I am tired of trying to hold a dialog while the shouting morons jump up and down at the center of the room.
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