Who's Jack? And why is he sorry?
17 October 2009
Whereas #1 was fun, adventurous, original (to a point) and scary, 'Child's Play 2' plays out like a 'Friday the 13th' sequel. One of the bad chapters. It's almost half-believable how Jason kept coming back, if you suspend your disbelief to the max, but how Chucky is resurrected from the definite end in #1 is downright hilariously bad. But if you can overlook that, you get horrible camera wide-angles that are annoying, clichéd characters, predictable kills and props and literal overkill. And Andy? The actor, Vincent, though probably pleased to return, seems like he slept-walked through this movie, especially the closing. Here's the so-called synopsis: Chucky's Back as some of the titles indicate. He's back to transfer his soul into little Andy so he doesn't have to stay a doll, a position he put himself in, in #1. But will anyone believe Andy, now in foster care since his mother in #1, Hicks, refused to return? Probably not. This movie is seriously a no-brainer, or the writers were. Either way, it should be skipped. Thankfully, it's a short release, but the little substance it has hardly make up the 84 minute running time. Honestly, I can't say much nice, but maybe the girl, Kyle (who seemed like a character pulled from 'Friday the 13th part V') was a tiny bit interesting, but unfortunately, the foster dad (who seemed like a character pulled from 'Friday the 13th part VII') was anything but. Yes, Chucky is fun to watch, but not young kids smoking, which seemed real. Skip. In fact, watch part 1, jump to 'Bride of Chucky' and quit the series. Of all 5, so far, those are the only valuable ones.
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